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Week #32 of 52 of reading in 2024

Week #32 of 52 of reading … three different books with different focuses — all that point to the need for us all to engage with each other with more curiosity, more compassion & less judgment and anger. 

“The Power Paradox” by Dacher Keltner 

I really appreciate how he reframed power, especially as best when focused on others and a meaningful impact. 

🤯 To lose focus on others can lead to an empathy deficit and loss of compassion & rude behavior. 

✔️ Power is given, not grabbed. 

❤️ Our capacity to influence rises when we practice kindness, express appreciation, cooperate, and dignify what others say and do. 

‼️ We are more likely to make a difference in the world when we are focused, articulate clear purposes, courses of action, and keep others on task. 

💯 Enduring power comes from a focus on others. 

❤️By expressing gratitude to others for what they do and who they are, we dignify them. 

😳 Experience of power minus a focus on others quickly leads to the abuse of power.

‼️ Attention is a limited resource.

😳 Power makes us feel less dependent on others, freeing us to shift our focus from others to our own goals and desires. 

‼️ Power deprives us of shifts of perspective, out of our egocentric view. 


“Unoffendable” by Brant Hansen

❤️ Love opens doors and hearts. 

⁉️ What would the world look like if grace wasn’t the exception? 

🤯 Gratitude and anger can’t coexist. One drains your life; one fills your life with wonder. Choose wisely. 

⭐️ Anger and rest are at odds with each other. 

❤️ Love as a willful, gutsy decision to seek the best for others. 

💯 We need more humble leaders, who don’t need the spotlight, we don’t need approval, don’t need attention.


“Radical Curiosity” by Seth Goldenberg 

❓ We overvalue doing and devalue questioning. 

‼️ The types of problems we face can no longer be satisfied with familiar answers; they demand the original thinking that begins with asking essential questions. 

🤯 To be radically curious is to challenge the narratives inherited from the past and author new stories that reflect who we are and what we value today. (9)

🤔 Unlearning requires the skill of stepping outside of existing mental models and embracing new mental models. 

📕 Great books, like life, are participatory exercises in which you cannot sit passively on the sidelines. 

🤔 Life isn’t a schedule, it’s a collection of encounters. 

‼️ We are deeply affected by an interruption in what we have known our lives to be. 

😳 We are constantly recording, reporting, sharing, & resharing - yet rarely reflecting. 

💯 Let’s come to our senses & commit to being present: to ourselves, to each other, to all the signals we receive, to finding and enjoying the many types of value in our daily experiences. 

❤️ Every day is an opportunity for heroic gestures of human care. 

⏩ What the obsession with speed typically yields is an answer to the wrong question. 

‼️ Humility is essential to curiosity.

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