It’s back to school in our house …. a change for all of us. And though we knew it was coming, it still feels like change. Being in the midst of a change - that includes large changes, like which adults are in their daily lives is a reflective moment for me about change.
I have been reminded by my kids lately.
⁉️ Stay curious. No matter how prepared you might feel as the leader, each human has their own worries, own processing & preparation to do. Ask questions. Remain open.
⭐️ Stay humble. The people around you will surprise you with their ideas, concerns & questions. Saying “I don’t know” is hard as a leader & also important. I didn’t have the answers for their questions. I could tell them I would be here with them through this change.
❤️ Stay caring. One of my kiddos has asked me the same question three times a day for a week. It’s clearly weighing on their mind. I was reminded that just because I think something is resolved doesn’t mean it is for them.
‼️ Stay present. When going through change, people need to know you are with them on the journey - even when you might be at different stages. Sitting and listening to the experiences of the first day - from the one who has friends close and another who is figuring out new people reminded me that those around us need us to be with them in the moments they need, not just when it is convenient for you.
We can all do this for each other. I’ve also watched my kids do this for each other (even just this morning).
❓Who can you show up for today?
❓ Who can you be curious, humble, caring & present with today, as change is happening every day, in every life?